Friday, September 4, 2009

Why Torah Im Rock’n'Roll?

Torah Im Rock’n'Roll is a new and practical integrative philosophy of Orthodoxy for real Jews. This means a Torah outlook that seeks to integrate with the positive elements of general culture. Why a new hashkafa? What’s the matter with the existing prevalent flavors of Orthodoxy?
Torah Umadda is just impractical. Very few people practice true Madda on its own, let alone with Torah. This hashkafa may work for a handful of academics and super intellectuals, but what about the other 99% of Jews?

Torah Im Derech Eretz? The remnants of the Frankfurt community in the U.S. have watered down their heritage and largely sold out to the yeshiva world. At present they differ from mainstream chareidim almost exclusively by liturgy and customs surrounding davening.
Torah only? Come on, we said practical. Granted, there are probably way more Jews who practice a true Torah only lifestyle than there are those who practice Torah Umadda, but from my observations it is the minority of those who ascribe to this philosophy who actually embody it in their lives.

Common, regular Jews who integrate with the world are left out in the cold, failing to meet the ideals of any of the broad Weltanschauungs outlined above. The Jew of the modern era needs a new hashkafa. Let’s call it what it is, enter Torah Im Rock’n'Roll, integrative Orthodoxy for real Jews. (Ok, we’ll try not to use the word weltanschauung again.)

Posted by Sir Bruce

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating! Can we get an article from some rock'n ' roll legends, perhaps with some responses from the Agudas Yisroel? It would really be most enlightening.
    Rock On!
    -The Rosh Yeshiva
