Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Biyur Self

Please tell me I am not alone in thinking that life gets easier the more I convince myself that I am nothing.

PS "Easier" does not necessarily mean "better".

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Every year, you hear Rabbis rip drinking on Purim. How its the cause of terrible accidents, a terrible example for children, whatever.

But have they ever thought about the cost of giving up drinking? Seriously, without drinking on Purim, I think hordes of people would simply leave the fold! Drinking on Purim is what keeps us frum!

Maybe we should go on a pro-drinking on Purim campaign...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Can Atheists Have Fear of Heaven?

Although it is an aspiration of mine as a Jew, I'm not really sure if I'll ever understand what the Jewish concept of Yiras Shamayim (Fear of Heaven) is really about. On *extremely* rare moments, perhaps during Neilah on a particularly good Yom Kippur, I've felt emotional trepidation at the thought of being judged by God. A tearful physical shudder at the thought of the standing before the Creator, knowing that my future is at the mercy of this awesome Force that I can't possibly comprehend. When thinking about misfortune that I see around me, I am even more likely to have this reaction. Is this Yiras Shamayim? Or perhaps the baby steps leading up to it?

Regardless of whether or not one believes in God, man must recognize that there is a force greather than himself at play in the cosmos. For the atheist, the forces of nature act at random with no will or intelligence. But the honest atheist will concede that there is a power greater than man, even it is not a cognizant entity. We are at the "mercy", if you will, of the forces of nature. Man can exert control over many aspects of existence, but can never completely protect himself from disease, natural disasters, accidents, violent acts, or the like. Sincerely contemplating the awesome nature of this force (or these forces) and how we may or may not be affected by them in the future can inspire trepidation, regardless if this force is a willful intelligent God or pure chance. I suspect that given an environment and mood that lends itself to contemplating this uncertainty in an emotional way, an atheist could fairly easily come to tears and tremble. So if what I've described above is the beginnings of fear of Heaven, can an atheist have Yiras Shamayim?

Or more likely, what I've described is not at all Yiras Shamayim, rather an inward and selfish fear for my own future, or existential angst that has much more to do with the uncertainty surrounding existence than it does with God. Oh well, I'll just have to keep trying.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Why do I care about truth? I mean real truth. Why does it bother me if it doesn't seem to bother anyone else. There must be some psychological explanation for my absurd and obviously pathetic tendency to obsess over what is really true.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Closed minded people who refuse to think for themselves make me want to kick and scream!!!

Sorry for this post that is utterly devoid of content, I needed to vent and didn't have any other outlet.

(Note: post has been moderated to remove references to violent acts.)

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Narcissist Generation

Great article in the WSJ last week about how technology (blogs included) fuels the pathetic personal-insecurity-driven-narcissism that prevails today. I agree.

On that note, I'd like to express my sincere appreciation to our readership, yes both of you (myself included), for reading, commenting, and making me feel worthwhile.