Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Selichos - What For?

Over the past week and half, I've come to the conclusion that the purpose Selichos serve for me is essentially a ruse to ensure I get to Shacharis on time, for a week or two. I'm not sufficiently awake or familiar with the text to have a meaningful prayer experience through Selichos, and honestly I'm generally not quite on time to Selichos either. But I'm usually in shul early enough to catch a decent chunk of it, enough to appease my conscience and guarantee that I can get my tefillin on before Shacharis starts.

1 comment:

  1. There is something very holy about the everyman Jew dragging himself to selichos. It may be that the goal is to make us more emotional by means of exhaustion. I cry more easily when tired...
