Where does Modern Orthodox Chassidus fit in the TIR spectrum?
Will there be a TIR academy of higher learning, to train the future leaders of TIR? No movement can survive without one...
Is TIR really the same thing as Torah im Derech Eretz (TIDE), except that TIDE Jews loved German high culture, and TIR Jews love American middle class rock n' Roll culture? Maybe we should go ahead with our shabbaton at Breuers...
The R in TIR is 'lav davka', i.e. it's a general philosophy of integrative Judaism that simply expands the definition of things that should be integrated into the lives of Jews. For some people, it's Rock'n'roll, for others, it's Chasidus. Chasidus is probably not much more objectionable from a Torah perspective than Rock'n'roll is (although I know some people who disagree), so surely it's compatible with the philosophy.
ReplyDeleteBut you're missing the whole point when you ask about an academy - it's all about integrating with real life, we don't need an academy. Jews live their lives and things other than Torah will be part of it, be it Rock'n'roll, NFL, stamp collecting, or their pet dog. Nobody needs to learn how to be a TIR Jew, the vast majority of Jews already practice TIR whether they know it or not.
Speech by Rav Zev Reichman on The Relevance of Chassidus to the Modern Orthodox Jew: