Friday, October 23, 2009

Childhood Trauma

Just last night I had a revelation that most of my personal problems can probably be traced to the psychological trauma resulting from the childhood experience of waiting in line for the urinals at Brewers games at Milwaukee County Stadium in the 80s. I don't mean that anything unusual happened there, just an innocent 8 year old Jewish kid surrounded by a bunch of drunk goyim, overhearing their conversations. I can't describe the experience, if you've been there you know it. Ok, maybe it's not the root of all my problems, but I'm sure it played a key role.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Simchas Torah Frustration

It is, in my opinion, the job of the Torah-im-Rock'n'roll ("TIR") leadership to be melamed zechus on average Orthodox Jews - the Jews who eat too much cholent and then pass out while their wives are left watching the children themselves all afternoon; the Jews who need to buy motorcycles for thrills; and the Jews who stand around talking through the hakafos on Simchas Torah.

But please, help me! How do I view these Jews favorably? You know - the ones who appear healthy all year long, but seem to suffer from assorted knee injuries, rotator cuff problems and asthma whenever people try to break out into dance?

Dancing is really amazing - its one of the only things you can't really fake. You can read words from a siddur, but not really daven. You can go to a shiur, and space out. But to dance - not simply shuffle - there is no way to fake that. Either you are filled with an energy when dancing, or not.

Maybe this is why the average TIR Jew simply skips out on hakafos. Because the emotion and energy are too much for him. If he were into it, he simply would no longer be a TIR Jew?
